Suicide Bombing in Jakarta

Friday July 17 2009, In a silent deep morning around Mega Kuningan Jakarta there’s something happened. BOMB duarrrr the first Bomb exploded at 7.47 and the second in a few seconds later. This happened in two luxurious hotels, they are J.W. Marriot and Rich Carlton. Rich is planned will be a place where M.U. will live. O.K back to the topic, after this bomb exploded, there were some people bleeding and even dead. The dead victims are ware about 9 and hundreds were bleeding.
Suspected, this was planned by Nordin M. Top the terrorist that hasn’t been caught. The bomber had lived in Marriot hotels in room 1808 and brought the bomb down to the restaurant and exploded there. Later, there was a statement from SBY that this is caused by someone or some people who want to make a chaos condition and make Indonesia like Iran that the election is still complained by the lose candidate. A lot of effects also happen such as, Manchester United that is planned will be in Jakarta canceled, a lot of people disappointed and Indonesian has a bad name AGAIN. Coe on make Indonesia a better place. It’s enough, and no chaotic again. Heal Indonesia!! see the original article Suicide Bombing here


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